For our December Service Project, as part of the VEYM National Day of Apostolic Work, we decorated gift mugs and wrote appreciation notes for Hội Phụ Huynh. Their support throughout the years has been a blessing to us, and it was a wonderful opportunity to reciprocate with these thoughtful gifts.

20231204 201710

20231204 203323

20231204 203904

20231204 204250

20231204 204800

20231204 205339

20231204 210138

20231204 210430

20231204 210922

20231204 211251

20231204 211525

20231204 211816

406308481 898486248280456 4834281658514292847 N

406330344 928567392130234 2010483403805339377 N



Here is our class picture that we included in each mug.
