Opening Question: What AREN’T you spiritual? Do you find it uninteresting, time-consuming, or difficult to understand? Safe space to talk about this! 


What I was Interested In:


Why Wasn’t I interested in the Bible?


Immanuel Kant’s Dove 


A Commercial


Interesting Points of Genesis (Challenge the kids to see who can find it fastest)


Genesis 1:27 “God created mankind in his image”

The first thing we notice in someone are their differences, but the thing that’s most important about you (the most divinely inspired) is the fact you and I are the same. Remembering that help us empathize.

Gen 2: 9

We talk about “the tree”. It was only after reading it that I realized that there were two trees (the knowledge of good & evil and the tree of life) , and God didn’t make these for no reason. We’ll come back to this later

Gen 2: 18

Earlier in the Bible, God created the light, and it was good. And the sea, and it was good. And the fruits, and it was good. For the very first time, the Bible mentions something that isn't good. Says that humans are innately social creatures.

Gen 2: 19

The fact that we’re naming something shows how much power we have over God’s creations. It seems like God was training us to be the caretakers of this world.

Gen 3: 11 - 12

After eating from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil, not only did Adam throw Eve under the bus, he threw God under there too!

At this point, I realized that in just a couple of paragraphs, the Bible pointed out things that took me years to internalize like … 


One thing that still bothered me since I was a child was this. It all went wrong when Eve ate the apple, but what was so bad about knowing what’s good and knowing what’s evil? Why was it so bad that he banished us them out of paradise, called it original sin, and why would it affect all of us? It almost feels like a setup (i.e. “don’t push the big red button. Oops now you’re condemned”). 


It dawned on me when the professor said God banishing them from Eden was not a punishment but a blessing:


And I realized … that was me. I knew what was good for me but somehow I don’t do it. And it’s not just me. That inadequacy (that feeling of not “being enough”) is something that all humans experience. We feel this original sin in our psyche all the time. 


4. Therefore, God wanted Adam and Eve to take care of paradise, but if they stayed, they would have ruined it and themselves. Thus, he had them leave. 


Lucky for us, God gave us someone to turn to so that we find the strength to do the right thing.

The Point:

Ending Quote: “The church is not a museum for saints, it is a hospital for sinners”


